So, we got out the vote and now it is time to pick up the pieces. Like many of you I voted on November 8th, I was full of hope. I am not going to make this post about bashing sides, that is counter productive. Being a Buddhist helps me keep perspective, and in the recent political climate it has been difficult. The fact is BOTH campaigns ran very negative and thoughtless campaigns. There was very little talk about actual issues, and most of the talk was negative towards the candidates themselves. So in all fairness neither candidate really laid out a future for America. They just threw out insults and lies (yes, both sides). Now that the election is over and the ads are finally stopping, I am wondering where do we go from here?
I do Bodhisattva practice, and I see people suffering more than ever now. We are all left wondering, "what happens now?". People are scared. People are trying to hold onto whatever hope they can find. America has become divided. The us against them mentality has taken root, and honestly I am not sure how I can help heal this. I see friends on Facebook who are not sure what is going to happen to them. I myself am scared. I have a pre-existing medical condition and I have already lost the state Medicaid due to the income changes. Medicare doesn't cover everything. I look at friends who are gay and African American or Latino and I fear for them. This election has left us with some very hard questions and few answers. Everyone is quick to judge, but not to show compassion or empathy. If you are not part of the "we won" mentality then you are considered an enemy. Never have I seen a Presidential election divide America like this one. There is no more common ground for anyone. Those of us who did not vote for the new President are looked at as the "enemy". How can that be when last week we were friends and had mutual understanding? People's perceptions have shifted and for those of us who have tried very hard to bridge the divide between us are now left struggling with how to express our concerns without trying to offend anyone.
I'm sorry. That should just not be the case here. We should be able to express our concerns without the fear of being yelled at, called names, or worse. People of all races should be able to live in this country without fear that they are going to lose loved ones due to being "deported". People of all faiths should be able to practice their beliefs without the fear of being targeted. This election has brought out the worst in people, on both sides. So the question is my friends:
Are you going to be part of the problem or part of the solution?
Until next time,