No, I did not forget about you, life got in the way. Like seriously in the way, here is the condensed version:
~Moved from Maine to New Hampshire
~Was doing chemo in between said move
~Had to deal with the youngest's issues, and they were many!
~Had to get my life back on track which is not easy to do when life is in total chaos!
So, here we are now, and I am back, and oh, I forgot to mention in that little list up there, my hard drive went on my laptop and it took me about two months to fix. It wasn't officially fixed until I settled in here in New Hampshire. So I am back on track and so happy to be back! So let's dive right in shall we????
Remember how I stated in my first blog post here that this was going to be about my journey as a crystal healer and Reiki Master? Well, let me refresh your memory in case you forgot:
Back in December of 2012 I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. It was on the right side of my brain and the pain was excruciating.It was successfully removed in Boston at Brigham and Woman's Hospital by a rock star brain surgeon and my outlook and healing were awesome. Then, we got the pathology report back: the tumor was not cancerous but it will never go away. It will come back, when, we don't know. I am under careful watch at Dana Farber (that is where my Neuro Oncologist is) and it is pretty much a waiting game. Every MRI that I have had up until this point has been clean, no spots, no issues. And then in May of this year they found a spot. It wasn't very big, but it was still there. My neuro onc likes to be proactive about this type of thing so he put me on six rounds of chemo, my last does will be this month. After September's dose made me violently ill, I decided to make sure that this dose was going to go as best as I could make it. So, besides all of the meds that I had to help I decided to be proactive and use my other tools that I had: my crystals and Reiki. The trick with chemo is your platelets. If they get too low you can get very sick. They have to be up high enough to withstand the chemo, and then it starts all over again. Needless to say my platelets were screwed after my last dose. They were very low and I was feeling really crappy, so I grabbed my crystals and started working with them on a daily/nightly basis. Now, I didn't sit and just meditate, what I did was every night when I went to bed I would light some incense and get comfy and for 30 minutes just lay there and let the energies of the crystals do their thing. I also did some light Reiki to help, and after about a week my platelets were up to where they needed to be! I have kept a written account of my sessions and maybe in the future will publish them. So, after a week of working with crystals and Reiki, my platelets are at 205! So, this is my work and I am proof that with intent and working with what you have crystals and energy healing like Reiki can work!
The key to this is, having patience. I am not patient by nature (total Aries) but with healing in mind I knew I had to work with my tools and let the energies do their work and not interfere with the process. 30 minutes was not a whole lot of time out of my day, and I look forward to that time at night. So, does crystal healing work? For me, yes it does and I will continue to use it going forward even after my last dose of chemo and to maybe even keep the tumor from coming back! It is a long shot but one that I will document as I go along!
So tell me, how have you been?
Till next time,