Saturday, November 22, 2014

Art, Healing, and Spirituality

    I know, the title has nothing to do with crystals. Or does it? Let's first look at the word art, if you create any type of artistic medium, you have an idea of how the process works. If you have ever created a piece of art, you know that there is a flow, a rhythm to it, the process becomes more fluid and free. This is where the healing comes in. For some, creating art is a healing practice. It allows the person to be free of restraints and create without judgment. It can be very healing and liberating to be able to express what is bottled up inside. 

    For me, the process of creating is healing. I love to do mixed media work, and when I can't put together what I am feeling into words, I do it in paint and pictures. I love patterns and textures, some of my crystals are just like what I put down on the page. Crystals are colorful, they have patterns and inclusions and textures all their own. They are, in a way their own works of art. A great amount of energy and healing flows through them, much like the process when I create my art. So for me, they are both connected and intertwined. 

    Art and healing can tie in with spirituality, in Tibetan Buddhism, which is what I am, the monks create beautiful Mandalas made with colored sand. They are magnificent works of art! Created out of humility, healing and a deep devotion to the Buddha and Buddhism. I work in a spiritual place when I create, it brings me closer to my spiritual beliefs. It is working meditation, a connection to my healing abilities and my deep Buddhist beliefs. Below is a picture of a mandala:

Below is a picture of one of my crystals:

and finally, my art:

 So, I say combine your art, healing and spirituality and create! Until next time, 


Friday, November 7, 2014

Guru Games

    I know it's been a while, I like to blog when I have something to say. I don't want to fill you with mindless crap that isn't worth reading! So, here is today's blog topic: Guru. So what it a guru? The dictionary defines a guru as: 

Hinduism. a preceptor giving personal religious instruction.
an intellectual or spiritual guide or leader.
any person who counsels or advises; mentor:
The elder senator was her political guru.
a leader in a particular field:
the city's cultural gurus.

     So basically, a guru is a teacher. Not a good teacher, or a bad teacher, just a teacher. Now here is where it gets tricky especially if you are one those who loves all things New Age or metaphysical: a teacher in these fields doesn't necessarily "need" to be well versed in their subject matter. All they really needs is: A-know the basic principles of what they want to teach. B-write lesson plans that are cohesive and easy to understand and C-price what they feel is enough to attract others. Now, I am not begrudging any one a living here, there are some wonderful people out there who know their shit, and can teach better than most college professors!
    So why am I choosing this subject to blog about? Well, I recently came across a situation that I was involved in, and it made me stop and think about how when we find someone that has all this knowledge and they teach us, they become that shiny guru. And then when we see their flaws, they are no longer shiny, they are just human. Now don't get me wrong, I did learn a lot form this person's program! It motivated me to want to learn, it got me in a space where I started to feel good about myself and my own healing skills. That in its self is not a bad thing at all! There were warning signs, small ones, that not everything was wonderful. The first thing was regarding my certificate of completion, it took several emails to get an answer and having some one else in the group message me to let me know that she had received my certificates by mistake! That was clue 1 that got my gears going! This is someone who made herself available by email, no matter what time of day or night, she seemed very well put together, and she knew her subject matter really well. How could she make a mistake like that? She was human, I let it go. It happens. 
    So after reaching out to a few others, they had the same issue. They were still waiting on their certificates with no communication from said guru. Finally, she decides to email the certificates, which is fine with me, I have taken online classes where the teachers do that now, and they are signed and dated, all you have to do it print them off. No biggie, why pay postage when you don't have to? Guru has a Crackbook group which her students belong to, one of the students has been posting that she has not received her certificates, and the posts end up being deleted. Clue 2, what is she trying to hide? If your reputation means that much to you: be honest with your students! You're human! Mistakes happen! Any answer is better than no answer and deleting posts on Crackbook, it makes you look guilty of some thing! I have not emailed her or really posted in the group. My inner guide says: "take the high road on this one, there are other places you can go that you can get more education on this."    
    What really put me into this way of thinking was an email that I had received: it was an invitation to a "special group" the cost was only 25.00 a month! I started to feel that she was more interested in the money than teaching or her students. Needless to say I deleted the email. So here I am now, watching what goes on, staying in the shadows and checking out other Crystal Healing programs. I am not looking to play guru games. So what to take away from this: gurus are just teachers and they have flaws too. Learn what you can but don't get blindsided by their shiny aura! 

 Over and out, 
The Crystal Catalyst